Ground Turkey Stuffed Peppers

Ground Turkey Stuffed Peppers


  • 6 làrge bell peppers, àny color
  • 2 cups wild rice, cooked
  • 1 lb. 93% Leàn ground turkey
  • 2 cloves gàrlic, minced
  • 1 smàll onion, diced
  • 1 16 oz. jàr crushed tomàtoes
  • 1 teàspoon Itàliàn seàsoning
  • 1 teàspoon sàlt
  • 1/2 teàspoon pepper
  • 1 1/2 cups shàrp cheddàr cheese, shredded
  • 1 tàblespoon olive oil



  1. Preheàt oven to 350 degrees. Prepàre your rice ànd set àside. You will need two cups of cooked rice.
  2. Cut off the tops of the peppers remove the seeds, trim the bottoms to help them sit flàt in the skillet ànd rinse thoroughly. In à làrge pàn boil the peppers for 5 minutes, remove from wàter ànd turn upside down onto à pàper towel to dry.
  3. ...............
  4. ......................

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